+49 171 2772710 info@hans-joachim-hahn.de

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Sabine Asgodom
Germany´s leading expert in self-marketing is keynote-speaker, trainer, coach addressing the development of human potential.

Hermann Binkert
He is a former German politician who started a fresh career after losing his job through a change in government: He founded a poll-research-institute with high ethical standards of presenting the truth rather than promoting political opinions. This got his institute to the top of German poll-agencies within only 10 years. We became partners through Vishal Mangalwadi.

Campus für Christus e.V.
Campus fuer Christus is a non-profit association and the German branch of Cru international.

Edgar K. Geffroy
For more than twenty years he has been a motivational speaker, teacher and encourager. German economic weekly “Wirtschaftswoche” lists him among the top ten business-trainers. 

German Speakers Association
German Speakers Associaton networks German Speaking Trainers, Speakers, and Coaches and their business-partners within their countries and worldwide.

Boris Grundl
Boris Grundl – the trainer in a wheelchair – is a powerful personality. His topics in seminars and coaching sessions are: “Being Led, Leading Yourself, and Leading Others”. 

Siegfried Haider
Haider is founding-president of the German Speakers Association. His company MTMS GmbH has a highly established network of services and experts. 

Margit Hertlein
As trainer and coach she focuses on developing stories (“Facts Tell – Stories Sell”).

Hoehere Hotelfachschule fuer das Hotelmanagement, Kaiserhof
The College of Hotel-business and Tourism in Meran, Northern Italy offers a variety of training and study-opportunities. It is the only German-speaking college for these vocations in Northern Italy. 

Hans-Uwe Koehler
He was marketing- and sales-expert, bestselling author, member of German Speakers Hall of Fame, and Expert-Member of Club 55.

Prof. Dr. Hermes Andreas Kick
Acting CEO of the Institute of Medical Ethics, Foundations and Methods of Psychotherapy and Health-Culture. He is a specialist in neurology and psychiatry, apl. Professor of psychiatry at Heidelberg University and member of the Academy of Ethics in Medicine (Goettingen).

Joerg Loehr
94-times Handball-national team-player ranks among the most respected management- and personality-trainers in Europe.

Vishal Mangalwadi
Philosopher, Theologian, and Social Reformer; world-bestselling Author, Speaker on “How the Bible Created the Soul of the West” and changed the course of history. I have travelled with him as his interpreter in German-speaking countries from 2015 – 2019 and made him and his books known in the German-speaking world. We are close partners in the 3rd Educational Revolution; creating a cyber-university together with many other international partners.
www.revelationmovement.com, www.truthmatters.tv

Dr. Marco Freiherr von Muenchhausen
He became famous as author of the book “Conquering Procrastination. Turning Your Worst Enemy into Your Best Friend”. He is internationally involved as trainer and coach with topics such as work-life-balance, self-motivation and stress-management, a. o.

The Forum of Professors is a network of scholars from all academic fields. Its aim is to provide a platform for respectful interaction of controversial positions – according to the original idea of the University. Here the Christian values and worldview should find appropriate recognition, also. It was founded through the initiative of Hans-Joachim Hahn.

Hans-Juergen Ramisch
He is a trainer, coach and consultant for time and self management, especially in sales, business economist and developer of several business management games.

Norman Rentrop
Publisher, Investor, Philanthropist.

Frank M. Scheelen
Chairman of Scheelen AG Frank is a successful entrepreneur, business-coach, bestselling author and speaker. Scheelen Institute for Management-Consulting offers diagnostic tools  ASSESS ® and INSIGHTS MDI ®.

Prof. Dr. Lothar J. Seiwert
He is Germany´s leading time-management-expert. His books sold over 3 Mill. copies and have been translated into more than 25 languages. Bearer of the German Training-Prize, first German Bearer ASTD-Training-Prize of Excellence in Practice 1998, and Member of the Hall of Fame of German Speakers Association.

Billy Selekane
His origin from the township Tembisa close to Johannesburg has shaped him. As a powerful motivator, speaker and trainer he wants to rais people from the level of mediocrica to a higher level of comfort.

Brian Tracy
Presently the most attended trainer of the world is also viewed as the best sales trainer worldwide. With numerous publications as books, audio-books and videos and over 4,000 performances Brian Tracy has shaped the landscape of Training. In German-speaking Europe I have been his on-stage-interpreter (“dance-partner”) for more than 10 years.

Johannes Warth
Primarily an artist, Johannes has developed further into the area of personnel development. Combining both areas – especially with the topic of courage – is his priority. He calls himself an encourager.

Mikki Williams
Mikki is coach, trainer, and speaker. She sees herself as a catalyst for learning from heart-to-heart. With her unusually way of presenting she captures the audience.